THE ART OF MAKING MARIK EMPANG For the Illumina Tribe 2017 Event, hosted by the Sarawak Convention Bureau. This mini workshop is conducted by Catherine, a self-taught...
SHAPE LIFTING WORKSHOP (2016)A painting workshop conducted by Singapore Artist Paul Wang teaching how to overcome complicated scenes with dynamic shapes. A public...
MARIK EMPANG BEGINNERS CLASS (2016) A beading workshop conducted by Sarawak artisan Catherine Kechendai on the fundamental techniques of making a traditional Iban bead collar.
ICCA (INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS AND CONVENTION ASSOCIATION) 2016 CRAFT PROGRAMME The following workshops for the spouses of delegates were conducted at the Ranee Boutique Suites. THE ART OF MAKING MARIK EMPANG A...
SOUTH BORNEO QUEST FAM TRIP (2014) A private upmarket FAM trip involving top travel agents from the USA and Europe. Organized by the Sarawak Convention Bureau. Paper Bead...
MOTHERS’ DAY JEWELLERY WORKSHOP (2014)Conducted by Eileen Phoan, the founder of Left & Right Artisan Handcraft, participants learn to design their own unique piece of...